Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What is Normal?

Some of you will have already walked down this road before.  This blog will then simply be a reminder to you.  The reminder is to avoid judgment, labelling others, gossip, comparison and work to be extra-ordinary ... and to look closer at what normal really is.  It is also a reminder to practice a larger scope of acceptance for the differences, gifts, talents and Way of viewing things.  We are richer due to our diversity; working together, we can create wondrous things.

In these times, we have a labelling disorder!!!!  Perhaps we can come up with a label for this and place it on those who tend to label others excessively and even inappropriately.  Then we can place this into the big book of labels!  By the way, this book is getting to the point where any one of us having a difficult time could be found in its pages ... with an appropriate medication (often prescribed by psychiatrists and doctors) to go with it.   Have you ever seen this book?  The DSM ... Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Published by the American Psychiatric Association ... APA.  There is much written about the pros and cons of this book and its use, so you will still find many people using it (incorrectly and unnecessarily at times) and others who claim it is creating much havoc in the arena of counselling, psychiatry and the general public (school system too).  It is not the purpose of this blog to focus on this ... just for your general awareness ... look into it more deeply if you wish ... we are here today to go over the basics about what we consider normal and how this can create unintended consequences ... specifically in the way we view things and people. 

As we could write a book about this topic, this blog can only a peek into this area to bring some light into it.  I like to encourage people to look more deeply in any areas they find interesting or necessary to explore deeper for any reason ... especially if they have been labelled or someone they know has ... really do your work ... explore all options and all possible sources of information and ways of looking at things ... finally, trust in your inner sense.

My heart especially goes out to the children; many truly gifted (albeit in their own way) children are labelled due to the fact that their talents and interests lie in areas not valued as equally important in a society and school system still mostly ruled by logic and linguistic aspects.  There are other talents many of these children have that often go unnoticed.  There are many examples of this in the stories of adults who were once labelled in various ways and who are very successful today.

Ever consider what normal really means?  In statistics, a normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve .... once calculated, when one looks at this curve, the majority of the people studied fall in the center of this curve.  Let's say it is IQ or the intelligence quotient that is studied.  If you were to look at the normal distribution of this, most people would fall into the center of this curve and so, being taught this, the average person now says that it is normal to be a person who falls into this category.  Well, according to the numbers, and their definition ... it is.

Ok, but what does all this really mean?   Are we to strive to be normal?  Did you know that it is getting to the point that it is normal to see an obese person ... child?  Is this what we should strive to be?  It is normal to find fast food restaurants in every city.  Is it healthy for us to be eating there?  In some countries it is normal for a husband to beat and abuse his wife - even to kill her if she commits adultery.  In certain areas (and you might be surprised at the illiteracy rate in North America!) it is normal to be illiterate.  Check out the numbers yourself!

It is normal to find highly unconscious people in every neighborhood - people who think they are awake just because they are out of bed ... while they feel, see and experience very little of reality ... living from their necks up ... shallow chest breathers ... armoured with tension bands all over their body which can be easily read by a trained eye..... and over-loaded by stressors which they find unable to cope with (how many people feel this is just normal and part of life, as they go on pretending all is well in their world? ... you might be surprised ... or not!) ... loaded with caffeine, sugar, alcohol, overall unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and other stimulants ... did you know this is normal?  Are you one of these normal people?  We don't have a label for these people, because it is normal!!!  Yet they are ill in a different way ... a way we do not label yet.  Does this sound harsh?  It is what it is.  These things would easily fall into a beautiful standard normal bell curve, and we can all go on in this way feeling very good that we are normal!

Did you know it could be considered normal to be anxious, depressed ... neurotic in some way and on some sort of medication these days?  Ask any counsellor working in the community how many of their clients are or have been on some sort of mood altering prescription.  The percentage is very high in many communities all over the world ... so high that it is common to find people coming in asking for these mood altering medications since they have heard so much about them.  I am one of these counsellors and have experienced these things.  Will this be the new norm?  Isn't it already so?

How the statistics are arranged in order to determine this is one thing (how the standard curve came to mean what it does to us...not the subject here)...  IQ tests have had their share of debates to contend with -  in terms of what it is we are really testing with them and whether the Intelligence we are measuring really should be given the measure of attention we have given it - particularly in the school systems.   Other researchers have asked ... Do these IQ results always relate to success in life? (which is another subjective area)  ... How I define my successfulness in life may be different than the way you define yours... who is to say which is better or correct ... or the proper measure for success in general?  Yet look around us and see that it is so. 

We are told what intelligence is - based on scientific and statistical mathematical results based on tests.  Who designed these tests?  What measure of intelligence is used?  Who determines that this is the standard by which we should be governing ourselves and our schools and the future of our planet? ... which one can see by analyzing the specific questions on these tests ... is this what we consider intelligence?  Research alternative philosophies on education and fringe science ... many other ways of looking at education and the developing human exist - one with much more wisdom and given very little credibility in mainstream thought in most places.

Are there other forms of intelligence and ways of being in this world which we overlook and lack appreciating?  Are tests used to place labels on people set up to consider these other (and also extremely useful) forms of intelligence?  If not, are these other forms of intelligence de-valued?  Look around you for the result of the answer to that question; avoid accepting status quo without understanding that which so much value has been placed on.   Know and understand deeply what you value... or be honest and say `I do not really Know; however, I am learning more about that now'. 

Rather than accept labels, look beyond things and stand on the edge of new discovery ... say to yourself .. there is more we have yet to learn ...  We do not know it all - at one point in history, people were killed for professing that the world was round ... NO - IT IS FLAT,  they yelled.   But they were wrong ... I tell you now .... we do the same today but in different arenas!!!

If we look at what is valued... first on an individual level, then on a family level, then on a community level, then on a global level, we will see where we are at, really.  Are we really civilized .... a peaceful species at ease and in harmony with each other and the planet on which we live?  What if we totalled all the people on the planet and certain characteristics ... what would be normal then?   Would you want to be considered normal?

Consider less about being normal and accepted by the general population.  The general population is normal.   Consider more about being YOUR potential ... working to improve yourself always ... working to be extra-ordinary.  Set your own standards, using wisdom.  Be your own person.  If someone wants to place a label on you, instead of taking it on, notice that they likely have a label or two of their own to contend with (which they may not even be aware of ... they may be too busy seeing what is wrong in others).

Everyone has areas in which they can improve ... whether spiritual, physical, emotional or mental etc!  Walk away, label-less ... if you have areas to work on, take on the Work ... not the label.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kung fu and Chi Kung as a Healing Art

Though many have heard of Kung fu, I am always surprised at how few people know that this is a spiritual and healing art as well.  During casual conversations, the ideas people have continue to surprise me.  Yes, it is better known, perhaps, as a combative art and many enter into tournaments in order to demonstrate physical skill and technique, but this is a surface view.  To be fair, it also does depend on the teacher.  If a teacher only knows the combat and fitness aspects, then that is what he/she will teach and present.  Perhaps a teacher is not willing or interested in sharing other aspects of this art; this can be true as well.  While there are those who do present the healing and spiritual aspects of this art, it is not yet mainstream.  Nevertheless, Kung fu and Chi Kung are definitely healing arts as well as paths one can walk to enlightenment.  In today's blog we will introduce some basic points about how Kung fu and Chi Kung focus on healing.
Spine: Central Axis
The spine is one key of focus in the art of Kung fu and Chi Kung as I was taught it.   This would not be surprising, as Kung fu was influenced by Yoga ... certainly, in all true spiritual arts which contain fundamentals of healing and energy work, it would be vital for the spine to be part of the Work.  It is, after all, the denser manifested form of the major main flow of energy called the Central Axis ... or Main Central channel ... among other names found in Yogic and Oriental Traditional Medicine.  Working this major vertical flow in our system contributes to the balance and harmony of all other energy flows in the body and their subsequent organ manifestations.  Maintaining the balance and harmony of the flows of energy in our system contributes to health, mental/emotional balance, vitality, peak performance in all the arenas of our life, and the ability to progress spiritually.

We have heard much about the spine in terms of our physical health.  In some chiropractic offices you will find a spinal chart with references to the organs and systems in the body that the vertebrae refer to.  This is due to the fact that chiropractors understand that spinal alignment contributes to overall body health.  Osteopaths are also aware of the importance of the spine to overall health and well-being.

When experiencing various physical ailments, movement arts are extremely beneficial and there is a real science behind them - we benefit from generations of refinement and deep understanding of the energetic aspect of our being.  The plow and shoulderstand asanas are a useful example from Yoga, here.   When someone is experiencing tightness in the chest, as with those who suffer with asthma, they will find a lot of congestion in the upper region of the back and will find it challenging to do those asanas (postures).  If one is even a little experienced in Yoga and/or other movement arts and also suffers from asthma, one can develop sensitivity to the point where one easily recognizes build up of blockage in this upper thoracic area of the spine and when one attempts to do the plow or shoulderstand one may find that it is particularly difficult on days when one's energy has more blockage than usual in this specific area.  Spending time doing these asanas on those days brings amazing relief, releasing the blockage in this area and bringing relief from related symptoms ... all medication free and natural!!

In Kung fu we also do the plow and other postures which work the lung meridian and open up the chest and back areas: the crane and air (out of the five animals and elements we work with), is the animal and element most associated with the lungs in our movements.   I say most due to the fact that all systems and organs are interrelated and determining root causes is not always black and white.  For example, it is important to have a healthy intestinal life for more than one reason ... it is very likely that if there are asthmatic/allergy issues in the body that the intestines (and one's diet) require attention ... or that if one has skin issues that the lungs/large intestines are somehow being affected.  We also must not overlook the impact of family issues and mental/emotional stress.  Environmental influences are also vital: quality of air and water one is ingesting as well as pollutants to name but a few.  The art of Kung fu and Chi Kung is holistic - the whole person is considered: body, mind/emotions and spirit ... and the whole system is looked at as a cooperating unit which is interdependent upon its many infrastructures working together in harmony.

Other than working the central axis, we work with other keys as well: flexibility; meditative Chi Kung movements (though movement in general can be meditative even if done fast if that is where one's attention is); working with acupressure points on the body via movement; deep stances; working with the hands and limbs to free up the flows of energies via particular movements and to strengthen muscles, ligaments and tendons (also relating to the meridians and health). Kung fu and Chi Kung can be static or dynamic in movement - both equally effective and used at different times for different purposes.

Doing Kung fu and Chi Kung is so useful in recovering from illness, maintaining health and as a preventative maintenance program. It is also an incredible art for the inspired athletic type who is already healthy and wishes to remain so. Many athletic individuals enjoy exploring the more physical side of the art; within it lie wonderful practices which can bring the body to peak condition.

Those interested in a spiritual path also find this art to be a lifelong path of development spiritually. There are so many benefits of this art on all levels of Being. This is why I am so passionate about it ... one can walk the path through life with its many benefits and explore its different aspects and still not be able to master it in this lifetime - that is the richness it holds.

In the system of Kung fu and Chi Kung that we were taught, there are five animals and five elements studied.  Tiger, crane, leopard, snake and dragon are the animals; earth, air, wood, water and fire are the respective elements.  With consistent Work over time, we study these animals and elements in our movements and as energies which are applicable to our lives mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Some basic points about the art:

-- There is a heavy focus on breath work and energy movement which is a major key in healing and growth on other levels

-- The art is circular in nature ... also holding significant reference in the natural world as well as spiritually

-- The movements work all parts of the body ... and target all major meridians, flows of energy and organs in our system ... bringing the mind/emotions, body and spirit into balance and harmony

-- Over time, one can free one's body from tensions and obstructions to energy flows and one feels freer and has more energy as one moves about in daily life ... the body is fit, strong, fluid, flexible and healthy.  

-- When one progresses and Works on the path, studying and applying its deeper aspects, one releases many non-essential layers covering up the essence of who and what one really is ... this is an important part of healing

-- One has the opportunity to break unhealthy conditioning and other patterns which prevent one from reaching one's potential in life.  Mentally and emotionally one can attain harmony, balance and control over the Self. 

-- One can work the art according to what one wishes to focus on

-- Mirrors of self-reflection are ever present if one is willing to look ... this is a major key to healing and wellness - often overlooked.  

Our organs and various systems are interrelated

Holistic approaches search for the root cause of the issue which can rid the system of the illness and symptoms entirely ... these approaches realize that the root cause may originate in a completely different area of the body (as well as  considering mind/emotions or spirit).  They also employ natural substances found in nature and not fabricated in a laboratory; for example,  many practitioners seek out training in the use of herbs, proper diet and essential oils in order to provide professional care and quality advice in the holistic arts.

Our mental/emotional states also directly affect the physiology of our bodies and our subsequent health and wellness ... even leading to and contributing to major diseases and illness; this point is often overlooked, but must be understood and applied in order for healing to be complete and sustained.

A traditional approach may take a while to reverse and heal completely if one has suffered with a condition which is now chronic; however, this approach is wiser as the entire person is brought to higher levels of wellness and is not further burdening their system with the additional well known effects of prescription medications (which are often suppressive of symptoms and not dealing with the root cause),  and sometimes unnecessary surgeries ... when it may not be required.   We are not saying that modern medicine is never useful ... please do not misinterpret.  It would be wonderful to see the two methods converge ... taking the best practices from both ... but this is not where we're at globally yet (though there are signs that there is movement in this direction in different places), so we must develop wisdom and discernment and Know for ourselves which approach is best and when.   


Kung fu and Chi Kung use the body and the breath as tools in moving the energies in the body in ways which bring about harmony and balance and thus can be called self-healing arts.

Transformation through walking the path of the Art of Kung fu and Chi Kung Life is possible.  Engage in the journey and discover this and so much more for yourself.